Currently, a video with multiple clips showing massive destruction in a cyclone is going viral on social media. In these clips, you can see a bus turning over, a petrol pump getting destroyed, roofs and windows of buildings blown away, breaking of doors, etc.

Social media users are claiming that these clips are the visuals of a recent storm that struck Rajasthan. However, Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. These visuals are not from Rajasthan but from Odisha during Cyclone Fani in 2019.

Below you can see the viral video.

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The same video was also shared on YouTube claiming it to be the visuals of Cyclone Biparjoy that impacted Gujarat and Maharashtra yesterday

Fact Check-

We separated different clips from the video and searched for the facts of the same. In the viral video, the first and the third clip was of a bus turning over and swept by the wind while the third clip shows a roof of a building blown away.

A Google Reverse Image Search on the above images led us to a video uploaded on The Economic Times’s YouTube channel on 3 May 2019. According to the report these are the visuals from Odisha during Cyclone Fani in 2019.

Along with the visuals from the viral video, this report showed other destructions like the crane of an under-construction building falling and demolishing neighboring houses and the car parking structure completely destroyed.

According to the Hindustan Times report in 2019, the viral clip of the roof blown away in the cyclone is from a hostel for undergraduate students in AIIMS hospital in Bhubaneswar.

The second video is of a petrol pump being destroyed in the cyclone.

We found the same clip on another YouTube Channel in 2019. In this video, we can hear a person shouting and saying in Odia, “See the severity of the Fani cyclone.” It was also mentioned in the caption that this video is of a petrol pump near KIIT University in Bhubaneswar.

Another clip showing few girls trying to close the door but the gush of wind forcefully opening it is also a visual of Fani cyclone. A verified account tweeted the same video in 2019 mentioning that the incident was from Odisha.

The last clip in the viral video shows the breaking of the windows of a building.

In 2019, Republic World reported that the incident was during Fani at KIIT University in Bhubaneswar. KIIT University faced a lot of damage during the cyclone.


Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. The visuals in the viral video were from Odisha during Fani Cyclone in 2019. This video has no connection with the recent storm situation in Bikaner.


Title:Visuals from Odisha during the Fani cyclone viral as from Bikaner.

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False