The video shows collection of money from Pagla mosque's donation box in Bangladesh.

A video which shows a group of people transferring money from a large box to sacks and transporting them to another location where it is counted by a group of people including children has gone viral, with the context mentioning that the money collected in mosques is tax-free, whereas temple money is. It further mentions that the donations collected in Mosques are being used against Hindus in Jihad.

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Fact check

A reverse image search on Google with the key frames of the video revealed it was the Pagla Mosque in Kishoreganj, Bangladesh.

Using this clue, we searched local Bangladeshi media and found a report which mentioned the location as ‘Pagla Masjid in Bangladesh’s Kishoreganj’. 8 donation boxes were opened after four months on the 6th of May in Pagla mosque in Bangladesh. Around 200 people counted the money for 13 hours after which it was found that there was 5 crore 59 lakh 7 thousand 689 Bangladeshi Taka.


The donation box in the church was opened at 8 am on Saturday and the money was collected till 6 pm. Apart from this huge donation, various foreign currencies and many gold ornaments were also found as donations. Usually the donation box of Pagla Masjid is opened once in three months . But now the donation box was opened after three months and 20 days. This video is given in the viral post. An inscription in Bangla can be seen on the shirt of an employee of the shrine.

Note the currency in the video footage. We can clearly understand that it is not the currency of India. It is the Taka, the currency of Bangladesh.

There are many YouTube videos of the incident are available. And it has been widely publicised in Bangladeshi media. Every time the donation box is opened and the money is counted, it is shown live on social media.


Fact Crescendo found that the claim made along with the viral video is false. The video of donation money received in Bangladesh’s Pagla Mosque is shared as the Indian Mosque.


Title:Video of donation money received in Bangladesh’s Pagla Mosque is shared as Indian Mosque

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False