After the Taliban proclaimed governance over Afghanistan on 15 August 2021, there has been huge backlash and outrage from international organizations and media against the Taliban government for its policies of oppression of women and atrocities on minorities in Afghanistan.

#StopHazaragenocide has also been trending on social media platforms in solidarity with Hazara people of Afghanistan after a deadly blast on a school in Kabul on 30 September 2022. However, a lot of misinformation is also being shared on social media.

Recently, a picture of a series of human remains is being shared on social media claiming that they are of Hazara people who fell victim to Genocide.

However, Fact Crescendo's findings show that the image is not related to any Genocide of the Hazara community in Afghanistan.

You can see the Twitter post below:

Archived Link

The Twitter post claims that the human remains are of Hazara victims of Genocide in Afghanistan.

Let us find out the truth behind the viral claim and the image!

Fact check

We started our investigation by searching the image on Google using Reverse Image Search. We found that the viral image is not related to any genocide of the persecuted Hazara community.

During investigation, we found that Image shows remains of soldiers from ancient battle unearthed in Italy, not Hazara victims of Genocide in Afghanistan. Archived Link

Link 2 Archived Link

The image actually shows the skeletons of the soldiers killed during the Battle of Himera (Palermo) between the Greeks and Carthage. The image of mass grave of soldiers died in the battle of Himera was clicked by Stefano Vasallo. You can see an aerial shot of the mass grave published by The New York Times in the screenshot given below.

Archived Link


From the above investigation, it is clear that an unrelated image has been shared with a Misleading claim. The human remains were discovered in Italy and are from an ancient war, it does not show the Hazara victims of Genocide in Afghanistan


Title:This Image shows remains of soldiers from ancient battle unearthed in Italy, not the victims of Genocide of Hazara people in Afghanistan!

Fact Check By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False