The viral video showing plastic eggs being manufactured are actually toy eggs made for children.

We have already done several fact checks on top of the adulterated food notifications. A video is currently going viral that shows a person scooping out an artificially manufactured substance and pouring it into a mold of an egg



YOU EAT IT, YOU ARE ON YOUR Own ” The video is being circulated with the claim that these are artificial eggs being sold as real eggs.

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A reverse image search of the video's key frames led us to a report published on 11April, 2017. According to a report in Sohu "The official micro blog of the Jiangning Branch of the Nanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau refuted the rumours, saying that this is actually a video of making simulated toy eggs, not "fake eggs pretending to be real eggs and entering the market." The report clarified that the viral video shows visuals of making egg-like toys for children. Further, the article noted that these toys are available on Chinese e-commerce platforms. A screenshot of these toys available on one such e-commerce platform was attached. These products carry a similar logo as on the eggs shown in the viral video.

Then we tried to figure out where this sticker is used. We discovered this sticker on an egg on a website after searching the Yandex reverse picture of the sticker. According to the description on the website, it is a toy egg made for children. It looks like a sponge and can be squeezed by hand to relieve stress.

A Chinese website also shows that the toy plastic eggs are being sold online. The website also states that it is a toy plastic egg.

To find out, we searched Google using various keywords. As a result we got a report from Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI). In this 2018 report, FSSAI clarified that the claim of plastic egg production is false. Additionally, FSSAI said that fake goods are being manufactured to produce cheap goods and sell them at higher prices. But producing eggs using plastic will cost more than real chicken eggs.

The FSSAI also said that as a result of water loss in the egg, the white and yolk parts of the egg shrink in size and the two fuse together. When such an egg is broken, it does not separate the yolk or white like normal eggs, giving the impression of plastic or fake eggs. Due to the loss of moisture, it becomes dry and looks like paper giving the impression of being plastic.


Fact Crescendo found the claim made along with the viral video to be False. While news of food adulteration is common in the media, this video showing the production of an egg-shaped toy in China is going viral with the claim that fake plastic eggs are being sold in the market.


Title:Production of toy eggs in China shared as manufacturing of plastic fake eggs

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False