Based on reports, more than five thousand people have been killed and injured as a result of a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale in Morocco. This event happened on Friday night, September 8, 2023.

Reports also confirm that the earthquake was one of the deadliest natural events in Morocco in the past 60 years.

Following this incident, a number of social media users have reported that the earthquake victims have moved to the hotel owned by Cristiano Ronaldo.

Users claimed: “Cristiano Ronaldo's 'Pestana CR7' hotel has been approved as a shelter for the victims of the earthquake in Morocco”.


Some Twitter users have also shared this news with the same claim. You can see one such tweet below.


However, our findings indicate that the "PESTANA CR7" hotel owned by Cristiano Ronaldo was not made available as a shelter for the earthquake victims.

Fact Check

One of the Moroccan news websites quoted the management of this hotel as saying that the victims of the earthquake have not been accommodated in this place.

In this report, quoting the management of this hotel, it is also stated that despite the flood of requests to accommodate the earthquake victims, they have not accepted the hosting of the displaced.

Moroccoworldnews / Archived-Link

Furthermore, a report from Goal has also confirmed that the hotel owned by Cristiano Ronaldo in Morocco did not shelter people affected by the recent earthquake in that country.

Goal-Report / Archived-Link


The news that the Moroccan earthquake victims were offered shelter by "PESTANA CR7" the hotel owned by Cristiano Ronaldo is baseless. Based on the findings, the management of this hotel denied that made the hotel available for victims of the earthquake in Morocco.


Title:Cristiano Ronaldo’s Hotel in Morocco did not offer shelter for earthquake victims

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False