According to reports, more than five thousand people have been killed and injured as a result of a powerful earthquake in Morocco. This earthquake had a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale and occurred on Friday night, September 8, 2023.

In the wake of the occurrence of this natural event, a number of social media users have claimed that Frank Hoogerbeets, a Dutch activist and researcher, had predicted the earthquake in Morocco.

Users claim that Frank Hoogerbeets predicted the Moroccan earthquake a few days before it happened.


Findings indicate that Frank Hoogerbeets did not predict the Moroccan earthquake and a tsunami. Mr. Hoogerbeets has refuted this claim in a tweet.

Fact Check

Frank Hoogerbeets tweets that the media's claim about him predicting the Moroccan earthquake is false. He further added he has given an answer about the current threat. He also confirmed that usually after an earthquake like the one on September 8, smaller aftershocks of magnitude 4-5 occur.


On the other hand, the claim that Frank Hoogerbeets predicted a tsunami on September 19-21 is also false.

SSGEOS Research and Education has denied this claim in a tweet on September 22, 2023.

The tweet stated that Mr. Hoogerbeets did not forecast a tsunami for 19-21 September. It is written that he discussed the Moroccan earthquake from a historical perspective and also talked about the general threat off the coast of Portugal.

This tweet also confirmed that in the forecast part of the video he mentioned regions in the Pacific but not a tsunami.


Mr. Hoogerbeets has made headlines for claiming that he has correctly based on planetary alignment and their gravitational effect. Scientists have criticized his claims as they are not backed by scientific evidence. They have also pointed out that his predictions are usually vague and can create unnecessary anxiety for people living in the earthquake prone regions. It is important to note that Hoogerbeets is not a scientist, and he does not have any formal training in seismology. His predictions should not be taken seriously, and people should not rely on them to make decisions about their safety.


In the wake of the deadly Moroccan earthquake, some social media users have falsely claimed that Frank Hoogerbeets predicted this natural event. However, Hoogerbeets has refuted these claims.


Title:Frank Hoogerbeets did not predict a tsunami and the Moroccan quake

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False