On April 14th, President Joe Biden made a significant announcement, declaring the complete withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. This decision marks the conclusion of a 20-year presence in the country. The United States first intervened in Afghanistan in 2001 as a crucial component of its comprehensive response to the devastating terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11th, 2001. These attacks tragically targeted the Twin Towers and remain one of the most traumatic events in American history.

Indeed, following President Joe Biden's announcement of the complete withdrawal of American troops, the Taliban quickly seized control of Kabul, Afghanistan in August 2021.

Since the Taliban regained power in 2021, women have faced numerous challenges in accessing education, as restrictions have been imposed on their entry to educational institutions. The advancements made in women's education over the years are now jeopardized, creating uncertainty and casting a shadow over their educational opportunities.

What is the present condition of women's education in Afghanistan?

The current state of women's education in Afghanistan is deeply troubling. Since the Taliban's resurgence in 2021, they have enforced strict limitations on women's rights, resulting in the closure of higher education institutions, colleges, and universities. This development has triggered widespread international concern and demands for the protection of Afghan women's rights and equal opportunities. Organizations worldwide are working tirelessly to advocate for justice and create avenues for educational and professional growth for Afghan women.

BBC Archived Link

In a recent development, the Taliban has introduced a ban on Afghan women working at the United Nations in Afghanistan, adding to the already extensive array of restrictions imposed on them since assuming control in August 2021. This latest measure further diminishes the rights and opportunities accessible to Afghan women under Taliban rule.

GUARDIAN Archived Link

ABC NEWS Archived Link

How does the general population of Afghanistan typically react to the arbitrary actions of the Taliban government?

The arbitrary actions carried out by the Taliban government have generated widespread discontent among the people of Afghanistan. Families across the nation are particularly eager for the reopening of schools and universities for girls. Unfortunately, despite the reopening of schools for the current academic year in March 2023, girls have once again been prohibited from accessing education. These actions have further intensified the dissatisfaction felt by the Afghan population.

BBC Archived Link

ANI Archived Link

However, earlier this year, several media outlets also reported that in certain provinces, girls have been granted permission to attend school and pursue their education. These reports have shed light on the presence of covert schools scattered across Afghanistan, where education for girls is being clandestinely provided, despite the Taliban's restrictions.

VOA Archived Link

Amu TV Archived Link

While false and misleading claims about the reopening of girls' schools for higher education occasionally circulate on social media, the actual situation remains unchanged. Since the start of the new academic year in March 2023, the Taliban government has persisted in imposing restrictions, denying Afghan girls their right to attend schools and colleges. They have explicitly banned them from accessing universities and pursuing higher education.

BBC Archived Link

What is the response of the Taliban government regarding this action?

The Taliban government has responded to this action by stating that the ban on female students in universities and schools is not permanent but rather a temporary "delay" in their education. They have expressed intentions to reopen girls' schools in the near future.

NDTV Archived Link

According to a report by The Independent newspaper, the spokesperson for the caretaker government, Suhail Shaheen, stated that the ban on women's education is not permanent. Instead, it has been postponed until a conducive environment for their education is established.

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Despite these assurances, Afghan girls continue to face a profound sense of hopelessness in their pursuit of higher education and the ability to shape their lives according to their aspirations. The absence of tangible progress and clear guidelines in this matter deprives them of even the slightest glimmer of hope for the future they envision for themselves.


Title:Explained: The Current Situation of Girls Education under the Taliban Regime

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Explainer