A number of social media users have published a picture of Georgina Rodriguez's residence card, claiming that she is mentioned as a maid (Melk Yemin) in that card. Melk Yemin means a female maid or slave.

Users have published this claim and image on January 11, 2023 and have been spreading it on social media since then.

It is stated in the claim of the users that kingdom of Saudi Arabia‬ has officially recognized Georgina Rodriguez‬ as the maid of Cristiano Ronaldo‬. Users also stated: “KSA believes that because there is a football generation war going on so in such case Its halal‬ for Cristiano Ronaldo‬ to have Georgina Rodriguez‬ as maid”.

Facebook-Post / Archived-Post

Some Twitter users have shared this claim and image as well. They also claim that the Al-Saud government named Georgina Rodriguez as maid (Melk Yemin) of Cristiano Ronaldo in her resident identity.



However, we found that the image of the residence card in which Georgina Rodríguez is mentioned as the maid of Cristiano Ronaldo is an altered one.

Fact Check: Our findings regarding this claim and the image show that the image of the resident identity in which Georgina Rodríguez is mentioned as the maid (Melk Yemin) of Cristiano Ronaldo has been manipulated. Based on the findings, Georgina Rodríguez's relationship has been written as the wife of Ronaldo on her original residence card.

On January 5, 2023, the CNN Arabic website said that Georgina's relationship with Ronaldo was falsified in her residence card. It is stated in this news that social media users have published a fake picture of Georgina Rodriguez's residence card. According to this news, Ronaldo's life partner has demanded legal prosecution of counterfeiters.

CNN-Arabic / Archived-Link

Furthermore, on January 3, the msr2030 has published an image of Georgina Rodriguez's residence card in which her relationship with Ronaldo is written as a wife.

msr2030 / Archived-Link

Here are two original and manipulated images of Georgina Rodriguez's residence card. In the manipulated image she is introduced as a maid and in the original image she is mentioned as a wife.


Based on the findings, the image of the residence card in which Georgina Rodriguez is mentioned as the maid of Ronaldo's is a manipulated image.


Title:Has the government of Saudi Arabia mentioned Georgina Rodriguez as Ronaldo's maid in her resident identity?

Fact Check By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Explainer